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New Requirements To Travel To Europe

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There are two new requirements for travel to Europe. The Entry/Exit System (EES) and the ETIAS. These programs were scheduled to launch in late 2024 or early 2025, but they have been pushed back. Here is the latest update:

ETIAS is currently not in operation and will not start in the first half of 2025.
No action is required from travellers at this point.
The European Union will inform about the start of ETIAS several months prior to its launch.
Entry/Exit System is currently not in operation. 
It is due to start later in 2025. The European Union will inform about the start of the EES several months
prior to its launch.

The Difference Between The Two Programs

Both systems aim to strengthen European security and security of those who travel.

  1. The EES will register visa-free and visa-required travelers entering Europe for a short stay. No action will be required from travelers before they start their trip, as registration will be done at the external border of any of the 29 European countries using the system. Registration on the EES will be done every time travelers cross external borders and will replace the manual stamping of passports.
  2. ETIAS is a new entry requirement for travelers who do not need a visa to enter 30 European countries for a short stay. With ETIAS, visa-free travelers will need to apply for a travel authorization before starting their trip. ETIAS is not a visa, and its introduction does not modify the visa-free status of travelers. 
